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The New Buyer’s Guide to Essential Stair Runner Accessories

If you've recently invested in a new stair runner for your staircase, or you're considering the purchase, the story doesn't end there. While the stair runner itself is a fantastic addition to any style of interior décor, there are a number of optional accessories that can really make it shine. If you'd like to make the most of your new stair runner, here are a few suggestions for accessories you might just love – and they’re all available right here at Stair Rods Direct.  

Stair rods

Of course, we couldn’t let this list slip by without mention of our namesake – the humble stair rod. The perfect partner for any stair runner, stair rods are the ideal finishing touch to complete the look you’re shooting for. Available in seven different finishes including polished brass, brushed chrome, and wood, stair rods are an aesthetic addition that can bring out the best in any staircase. Importantly, stair rods do not actually act to secure the runner to the stair, so you’re totally free to choose the design you like most. Explore our full range of stair rods now.

Stair rod brackets

If you’re planning on investing in a set of stair rods to accessorise your runner, you’ll find it very useful to browse the available stair rod brackets too. Available in two different designs – front-fix and side-fix depending on how wide your stair runner is – stair rod brackets are used to secure the rods to staircase itself. Whether your stair runner covers the full width of the step, or you have some wood exposed on either side, stair rod brackets are the ideal choice. Just like the rods themselves, stair rod brackets can be found in a variety of finishes. You can see our full collection of stair rod brackets now.

Carpet studs

When it comes to joining your stair runner to an existing carpet at the top of the stairs, you have a few options. However, choices such as single naplocks might be at odds with your interior décor. That’s why we’d recommend using carpet studs to seamlessly blend your stair runner with your existing carpet. Also known by the brand name EasyStuds, these accessories are a practical way to take carpet around a corner (like the top of your staircase) in a way that looks stylish and contemporary. Discover exactly why EasyStuds are so popular in our online shop now.

Feel free to use the links above to learn more about any of these great stair runner accessories. And of course, if you ever have any questions about purchases, installation, or any other aspect of our service, you can always call our friendly team on 0845 838 8638.


