Established 1997


from  £30.99

RRP: £34.99

Stock Code: S_ Native_Red

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over £75
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Simple To Install
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0330 113 4909

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Select Length

Enter the length of this runner in either centimetres or feet and inches:

Feet & Inches:



If your runner is to be fitted to stairs, you may want the ends left unbound to allow for easy turning. If your runner is for a hallway, then both ends should be bound. There is no extra charge for binding.


Would you like anti-slip underlay for your rug?

Please note: The price of the underlay will not be included when you click "Calculate Price" below.

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Stock Code: S_ Native_Red

Free UK Delivery *
over £75
Secure Checkout
Visa / MasterCard / PayPal
Simple To Install
Order By Phone
0330 113 4909